Category Nonfiction

Article: Almost green

I have a new cover story in the Pacific Sun. It’s about a group of moms starting an “EcoMom” movement–an attempt to get moms from all over to share tips on what they can do to help Global Warming. The…

Article: Clone Wars

Did you hear that the FDA decided that cloned meat and milk are safe to eat? I looked into this issue for my newest article in the North Bay Bohemian. Excerpt: THE Food and Drug Administration may think cloned animals…

Article: The 80 percent solution

I have the cover story in the Pacific Sun this week. It’s an interview with David Roche, who has written a new book called the Church of 80% Sincerity. I really enjoyed the conversation I had with David. Here is…

Article: The Quiet and The Dead

Check out my new article in the Pacific Sun on Coast Miwok death ceremonies: When a person died in a Coast Miwok village, everything went quiet. People spoke in whispers and moved gently, hushing their children and cringing at every…

Article: Le Bistro Restaurant Review

Check it out: This week’s issue of the Bohemian has my restaurant review of Le Bistro in Petaluma. Le Bistro By Joy Lanzendorfer I had heard a lot about Le Bistro in Petaluma. After all, the restaurant, sitting unobtrusively on…

Article: Let the game begin

Last month, I spent time talking to video game developers in Marin County. I got to go to their offices, ask them about their games, and think about having fun a lot. It was, well… fun. The resulting article is…

Article: Money Pit

My new article in the North Bay Bohemian looks into how California is spending the money we give them for schools. Maybe the problem isn’t so much the amount of money in the system as how the money is being…

Article: The Marinic Verses

Check out my cover story in the Pacific Sun about Marin County poets. I really liked doing this one. Not only did I get to think about poetry for a month, I got to interview respected poets like Jane Hirshfield,…

Article: Once upon a TIME in San Rafael

My cover story on The Clock of the Long Now is running in this week’s Pacific Sun. Scientists are creating a clock that will be installed in a mountain in Nevada. There, it will quietly tick away the days, years,…

Article: Imbibe Magazine

Last June, I went to the 2006 Rock, Paper, Scissors Championship at Roshambo Winery in Healdsburg. You can read my write-up of the event in the wonderful new issue of Imbibe Magazine. They also published some pictures I took of…

Article(s): First Bite and Forgiveness

It may be too late to mention this, but I have two articles out this week that you can probably still pick up. One is a restaurant review in the North Bay Bohemian of Romeo’s Pizza in Petaluma. I gave…