Article: Almost green

I have a new cover story in the Pacific Sun. It’s about a group of moms starting an “EcoMom” movement–an attempt to get moms from all over to share tips on what they can do to help Global Warming. The group has EcoMom Parties, where they encourage moms to get together and talk about the environment, kind of like a Book Club or Tupperware Party. Here’s a snippet:

“When I saw Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth, I lay awake all night worrying about it,” Katie Tuttle tells a group of Marin moms. “When I woke up the next morning, I had my first gray hair. Then my husband said that instead of complaining so much about it, I should do something.”

Tuttle is speaking at an EcoMom Alliance meeting. The group wants moms all over the country to become more environmentally aware and is working to give them the tools to live a greener lifestyle. The meeting is at founder Kimberly Danek Pinkson’s San Anselmo home—a small, rented bungalow. Sitting around her cozy living room are “EcoMom Leaders,” women who have volunteered to help with the burgeoning movement.

Also at the meeting is Peter Bick, a filmmaker who is making a documentary on global warming. Bick, whose films have won awards at festivals like South by Southwest in Austin, is part of a wave of interest in EcoMom Alliance. Since The New York Times wrote a piece on the organization in February, Pinkson has been contacted by everyone from The Today Show to 20/20.

More here.