Kyle Speaks, Again!

Kyle will be speaking:

at Google on Thursday, April 10
at Penguicon at the end of April
at LinuxWorld next August.

… and possibly others.

I probably won’t go to any of these talk. For one thing, two of them cost money to get into. For another, watching Kyle speak makes me a nervous wreck. I really can’t stand it. I get empathetically nervous or something. In fact, I get more nervous for Kyle when he is about to speak than I would be if I were going to give the speech. It’s silly because he is an excellent speaker. Still… yikes.

Kyle is also writing a column for Linux Journal. This month, he wrote about PXE Magic: Flexible Network Booting with Menus . Doesn’t that sound important?

UPDATE: Kyle has published another article for TechTarget called Stop server monitoring tools from crying wolf.