Category Nonfiction

Robert Louis Stevenson Writing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Wow, is all I can say to this passage about Robert Louis Stevenson Writing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Robert Louis Stevenson [churned] out Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in six days while under the pall of tuberculosis and the…

Article: 10 Fascinating Facts About Ravens

I have a new article in Mental Floss: 10 Fascinating Facts About Ravens. The raven is an amazing bird. It’s incredibly smart, it plays with other animals, and it can talk. I was so impressed while researching this article, I…

Story: Undertaker

I have a short story up on Monkeybicycle called “Undertaker.” It’s about a girl, a ghost, and a sinister prairie dog. That’s right. Sinister prairie dog. How can you resist? Click here to read Undertaker.

Article in Mental Floss: Famous Facial Reconstructions

Hurrah! I have a second article up in Mental Floss. This one is about forensic facial reconstruction, when they scan the skeletal remains of a famous historical person and make a 3D model of his or her face. For example,…

Article in Mental Floss

I am a fan of Mental Floss, so I’m thrilled that they are running an article I wrote … about stilts! In France in the 19th century, an entire town lived on stilts. Stilt jousting is a real thing—an entire…

Guest Post At S[R] Blog

I wrote a guest blog post at Superstition Review’s s[r] blog about getting stuck on writing fiction. Here’s a sample: Lately, I’ve been getting stuck while writing short stories. I’ll be working on a promising idea with a good set-up…

Article In Writer’s Digest

Hey check it out! I have a new article in the January issue of Writer’s Digest. “If Walls Could Talk” is about lessons I learned from visiting the houses of Mark Twain, Jack London, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and…

Article: Give ’em enough rope…

Happy Halloween! Take a look at my most recent article for the Pacific Sun about the last public hanging in Marin County. It resulted in a near-riot as a bloodthirsty crowd watched the hanging of a Chinese man. Sample: On…

Article: Shadow City

I have an article in the Pacific Sun this week. It’s about how the town of Tiburon is looking at putting cameras on the roads going into town to scan the license plates of all its visitors. The fortress of…