Short Story: End of the Line

ohjoy so to speak short story

My short story “End of the Line” is in the 2010 issue of So to Speak. Published by George Mason University, So to Speak is a feminist journal of language of art. “End of the Line” is about an old woman, Mrs. Dumas, who accidentally takes the wrong bus and gets lost in the city she has lived in all her life. Here is the beginning of the story:

Mrs. Dumas stood in front of her bedroom mirror admiring her red velour pants and green sweatshirt. Why, she wondered, would anyone want to wear those dreary blacks and grays? She hadn’t worn those colors since Harry Jr. left home, not even at Harry Sr.’s funeral. Bright colors just made everything better.

The cat rubbed against her leg, leaving orange-marbled hairs on the red velour.

“Liebster,” she said, scrubbing the cat with her fingers. Then she looked again. “Oh! You’re not Liebster, are you?” She adjusted her glasses. “Bunchkin?”

“Meow,” said Bunchkin.

If you get a chance, order a copy and take a look!