Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016


2015 was a great year for us. Here’s some things that happened:

* I wrote for many publications, including Mental Floss and The Atlantic.

* I won a creative writing grant! I’ll talk more about that soon.

* I finished a book and submitted it to agents. Then I wrote the first draft of another book.

* I led a panel at AWP in Minneapolis about freelance writing.

* Kyle got a new job. He’s Vice President of Engineering Operations at Final.

* He works at home now, which has changed our lives.

* Gideon turned 3 and is in preschool, which is a two-minute walk from our house. He loves it so much.

* We went to Yosemite, rented a beach house on the coast, and traveled to Amsterdam and Belgium.

There were sad things that happened this year, including the passing of my best friend’s father, but overall 2015 treated us kindly.

As usual, I’m ambitious as heck about the year ahead. I’ll continue to think big and focus, two changes that have made a big difference in my work process. I may remodel my kitchen. I may finish writing a book. I’ll definitely start working on a third book. And I may go to Europe again–maybe Switzerland? Maybe Germany? Who knows?

Happy 2016.