Food-Related Things I’ve Done Recently


* I went mushroom hunting a few times. Once I found a bunch of hedgehog mushrooms and took them home and made risotto. Later when I was in Whole Foods, I saw hedgehog mushrooms on sale for $30/pound. Apparently mushroom hunting is lucrative.


* I installed a grape arbor in my yard and planted a grape to climb it.


* I planned my garden for the year. New plants I’m trying include ground cherries, hot pink amaranth, and glass gem corn.


* I baked a lot. I made several loaves of bread, which I’m starting to enjoy. It’s pretty thrilling to cut open a fresh loaf of bread and slather a slice with butter.


* Unrelated, I went on a boat. Here’s a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge.


* We drastically reduced the number of times we’re going out to eat, and you know what? I don’t miss it at all. However, one time I went out for oysters and they were great.

* Right now I’m harvesting eggs, arugula, chives, leeks, oranges, and meyer lemons from my yard. I have no idea what to do with all those meyer lemons.

* Most of these images were originally on Twitter.

* Unrelated again, check out this manzanita tree.
