Category Personal

Personal Information

Yesterday’s Harvest

“Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In…

Puerto Rico Day 7

The last day in Puerto Rico was jam packed. We went swimming in the ocean and we drove all the way down the side of the country and had a picnic on another, wilder beach, eating giant grapes and pineapple…

Puerto Rico Day 6

The next day was the most chill day. We spent a lot of time in Old San Juan where we bought a silkscreen from the poster artist Eduardo Vera and people watched. Puerto Ricans playing cards The side of Morro…

Puerto Rico Day 5

Oh you’re still here? I know, both you and I thought I was done with Puerto Rico travelogue but I am not! In fact, I haven’t told you about the best part of the trip, which there are no pictures…

Puerto Rico Day 4

On day four, we had breakfast in the hotel. I had fresh fruit and a Puerto Rican pastry. That was something that surprised me about Puerto Rico–they have good pastries. Really, this is a country that understands all the important…

Puerto Rico Day 3

The next day, we decided to go to a limestone cave because it was raining. Everyone I have talked to about rain in a tropics has said that it’s not a big deal–there’s a little sprinkle and then it clears…

Puerto Rico Day 1, Part 2

Morro Fort was begun in 1539. It’s actually the second fort the Spanish built in Puerto Rico. It has lots of staircases and corridors and tiny entryways for soldiers to quickly get to their killing posts. Pictures: One of four…

Puerto Rico Day 1, Part 1

The interesting part of my trip to Puerto Rico started at our layover in Florida with a space shuttle launch that we could see out of the plane window, and continued from there. It was a clear day and I…

Four Things

1. I have sequestered myself in my office, hiding from this ridiculous heatwave. It seems to be fading back to normal spring now, and nature is doing things outside. For example, new birds have taken up residence in this nest…

Solomon by Cole Porter

I consider this a public service. For year, I have wanted to find “Solomon” by Cole Porter somewhere on the Internet. I had this song on a much-loved Cole Porter album when I was a kid and I remembered “Solomon”…

Crocker Art Museum

I didn’t get to go snowmobiling because the weather didn’t cooperate, but that didn’t stop us from visiting Troy and Krista in Sacramento this weekend. We walked around downtown, ate good food, and visited the Crocker Art Museum. The Crocker…

Lake Sonoma Hike

On Saturday, Marcia and I took advantage of the amazing weather and went for a hike by Lake Sonoma near Geyserville. The trail we hiked was called Boar Scat Trail. There were several warnings about wild boars on the sign…