Category Personal

Personal Information

The Wired Vacation

Starting Saturday, Kyle and I will be embarking on our cross-country vacation. It’s planned to last from September 15-October 3. Here is the basic route again: We will be visiting the following states: California Nevada Arizona New Mexico Texas Louisiana…


In between all the things I am doing right now, I managed to harvest my garden. It was a little disappointing this year–stunted tomatoes, bolting radishes, weird problems with the zucchini, etc.–but there is still more food from it than…

I Went Into Escrow

Yesterday, Kyle and I signed papers on a house. Today we are officially in escrow. In 30 days, we will most likely (80% chance?) be home owners. The house is almost 1,300 sf with a two-car garage There’s room for…

The Sierras On Labor Day

I just got back from a picnic on a hillside overlooking the ocean near Jenner. It was perfect weather, lovely company, and delicious food. There was also a wooly bear caterpillar which apparently turns into an Isabella Tiger Moth. I…

Jack London Park Hike

On Saturday, Marcia and I went for a hike at the Jack London park in Glen Ellen. We saw the ruins of the house of a famous writer, a mountain, vineyards, lots of dragonflies, and lizards–including the blue-tailed skink. We…

Everybody’s Doing It

Eight Facts About Me: The rules: 1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about…

I Enjoy Flamingos

The other week I played hooky and went to the zoo. There was almost no one there and I got close to the animals. I liked the owl that swiveled its head to stare at me and the monkeys with…

New Family Member

We got a kitten! He is two months, supposedly, though the vet says if he is, he is big for that age. He’s a Siamese/Lynx Tail mix. His tail looks a little bit like someone dipped a feather in ink,…

Weekend Part II: Flogging Molly

I’ve been wanting to see Flogging Molly live for a long time, so on Saturday, we went to the Oyster and Beer Fest in San Francisco. The cost for admissions for a full day of music was a reasonable $15.…

Weekend in Two Parts

It was the weekend of festivals. On Saturday, I went to the San Francisco Oyster and Beer Fest to see the band Flogging Molly. On Sunday, I went to Maker Faire in San Mateo, which is put on by O’Reilly…

I Figured Out Why My Hands Are Sore

Last night, I dreamt about vampires. I was in a big quasi-Victorian room like an old-fashioned laboratory with card cabinets and nooks and doorways. Most of the dream consisted of me locking windows because it was going to be night…

Kentucky Derby Party

Kyle is from Kentucky, so at some point, we decided to have a Kentucky Derby party. Here are pictures. Guests begin to arrive: Marcia Chris I made bourbon balls and Derby Pie and of course, we got KFC: Fried chicken,…