

Jack London Is Drunk

“I’se so drunk right now.” “Iz this sail-ma-bob thing help me stand?” “Whee I on a tree bench!” “Look at ma bootiful body. Athlete.” “These guys are the BEST. Best guys, youdon’tevenknow.” “Okay, horsie, you hold still, I’sa goin’ ride…

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween, two-thousand-thirteen! This is Gideon’s second Halloween. He’s going as a pirate. We’re going to listen to the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast tonight, which should be spooky-but-baby-friendly celebration. I never understood why people thought Orson Welles’s hoax…

Story: Undertaker

I have a short story up on Monkeybicycle called “Undertaker.” It’s about a girl, a ghost, and a sinister prairie dog. That’s right. Sinister prairie dog. How can you resist? Click here to read Undertaker.

Article in Mental Floss

I am a fan of Mental Floss, so I’m thrilled that they are running an article I wrote … about stilts! In France in the 19th century, an entire town lived on stilts. Stilt jousting is a real thing—an entire…