

Kitchen Is Done!

We have successfully remodeled our kitchen. This is something we’ve wanted to do for nine years, since moving into this house in 2007. Here’s what the kitchen used to look like: As you can see, the kitchen that came with…

Yellowstone National Park Part 2

Here’s more from our trip to Yellowstone National Park. See Part 1 Here. Yellowstone is the Earth’s largest active geyser field. We’ve all heard of Old Faithful Geyser, but it is one of hundreds of geysers in Yellowstone. There are…

Yellowstone National Park Part 1

In October, Kyle, Gideon, and I went on an RV trip. We rented a Cruise America RV and drove over 3,000 miles through Nevada, Idaho, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Glacier National Park in Montana, Seattle, Vancouver BC, and Portland,…

Wildacres Writing Residency

In September, I attended a writing residency at Wildacres Retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was a terrific experience. I can’t say enough about Wildacres and the people who run it. They help all kinds of artists by giving…

Kitchen Cabinets In

How did you spend your weekend? Aside from a hike in the local park, I spent it putting my stuff away in my new kitchen cabinets. Here they are, along with the muscular harvest of the last of the 2016…