2007 New Year’s Survey

2006 was full of excitement and socializing. By contrast, 2007 was much slower and more introspective. In some ways I like that better, but there’s less to brag about at the end of it all.

My accomplishments for 2007 included:

Published in many magazines and newspapers
Bought a house
Judged a book contest
Drove across the U.S.A. (WHILE IN ESCROW, I might add)
Celebrated my 5-year wedding anniversary
Held the Word Pirates reading at the Phoenix

Got a kitten
Kyle published the sequel to Knoppix Hacks
Went to an opera
Planted a garden
Went wine tasting, hiking, picnics, the zoo, etc.
Read over 80 books
Held a Kentucky Derby Party
Opened an Etsy store
Went to concerts and festivals
Painted, knitted, made jewelry, and was artsy in general