Category Writing and Publishing

Back-To-School Sales

Ten notepads, two composition books, two packs of markers, one pack of crayons, and glue sticks. $4.50 Seriously, ten cents for a notepad! Back-to-school is like an office-supply nerd’s dreamland. I will write something real on here soon.

Step Away From the Computer

Yesterday, I struggled with questions like “Do these characters seem real? How do I get into this character’s head?” Some characters seemed exceptionally vivid and others seemed flat. It was annoying. So of course, last night’s dreams were full of…

Read This Morning

Sylvia Plath on needing other people (aside from Ted Hughes) to read her work: I need an outsider: feel like a recluse who comes out into the world with a life-saving gospel to find everybody has learned a new language…